Product details
The TDC (Top Down Centre) Trolley Converter is designed for the ICS Hop-up chamber to function perfectly with the R-Hop setups. The longer patch would achieve an improvement in accuracy and consistency from shot to shot, typically for sniper DMR builds.
The idea spawned originally from the TDC trolleys found on Maxx Hop-up chambers to give achieve a perfect top-down force against the hop-up nubs. So rather than modifying the ICS chamber to work that way, we created this converter to be fitted inside the current chamber to function in the same way.
There are 4 parts that come with the converter package.
1. The main bracket: This fits inside the chamber and acts as a guide to move the trolley up and down. It is designed to restrict the movement of any other axial directions apart from the apart vertical axis. The front guides the trolley (2) while the metal walls of the ICS chamber guide the sides.
2. The trolley is fitted inside of the bracket and can only move up and down the vertical axis controlled by the bracket.
3. The M-nub ensures an evenly distributed force is applied onto the bucking down to the RHOP patch. This in turn ensures the patch can maximize its appliance on the BB for the most stable and uniform spin for the much desired R-hop performance. This is stuck onto the trolley via a strong 3M sticker.
4. Lastly the modified arm is used to apply the desired force onto the trolley and then the R-HOP patch.
1. Is this difficult to install?
We recommend that you have some experience on R-hop builds before attempting as it could be difficult to uninstall the bracket once it inside the chamber. Consult a gun tech for help if needed
2. Do I need an R-HOP patch?
There are many brands of R-hop in the market, much like Psionic, and Silent sniper that are easily available in the market as a drop-in patch.
3. Should I upgrade my inner barrel?
It's not necessary as stock barrels are pretty good quality these days and could still function well with the RHOP builds.
4. How do you remove the bracket?
Take your time and edge it out bit by bit at all sides and angles. We don't recommend this as this is regarded as a permanent upgrade for the best accuracy and consistency for the ICS chamber.
5. Can it work on another hop-up chamber?
No. This is designed specifically for the ICS only. We will look into designing for more chambers. The nearest thing at the moment would be for Maxx chambers or Retroarms which incorporates the TDC top-down-center design.
6. What bucking would be the best?
The stock ICS ones are good, but other brands like Prometheus and Modify brands have boundless buckings (without the bump inside) which are required for R-HOP builds.
7. Will this work for Flat-hop?
Yes, it will and for G-hop too. There are plenty of videos of how-to and what you need for this setup. Once you have this in place, you will notice a huge difference in performance and accuracy.
8. How far can RHOP travel?
For a 1J setup and the right settings, 60-70m using 0.28g BB
* Please note the Maxx hop-up chamber is not included - this is a specific TDC trolley upgrade made FOR the Maxx Chamber*